Saturday, June 11, 2011

Clean playing field.

From the sounds of it, my hysteroscopy was a success!! Nothing but some cobwebs in there. The doc did tell Paul that they probably would have expelled on their own after a future period, which makes me wonder why we went through all this to begin with, but I really don't care---as long as the area is clean and ready for a baby, that's all that matters.
One funny story---when Paul came into the room after the whole thing was over, he was asking me questions and said I seemed lucid and was answering and responding to him. He told me what he was told, then said that a minute later, I asked him again what had happened. He laughed, then started to wonder, so he asked me who the president of the USA was, and I responded with a very clear, "Jackson Ambrose." He wasn't sure if I was joking or not. The thing is, I don't remember a single thing about any of this.
I believe I start taking estrogen tonight, and approximately 2-3 weeks later will be our frozen embryo transfer. Keep all fingers crossed!!!