Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Poor Jackson had 3 full days of fevers because of that DTaP vaccine last Friday! Saturday, Sunday, and Monday were a haze of Motrin and Tylenol. No one could really do anything beyond that. Today (Tues), he's better but has sneezed a couple times, and his nose is a little bit runny, but that could be because he's a serious whiner-49er today.

Let me say for the written record...I CANNOT WAIT for this child to begin speaking!! I'm so tired of the whining. He has a special one where he goes up and down the musical ladder. That one just grates on my nerves! In the immortal words of Aunt Cake, "USE WORDS!" Everyone keeps telling me that once he starts speaking, I'm going to wish he would go back to not, but NOPE! No way! I want real words coming out of his beautiful puffy lips.

Surgery on Friday, then a nice QUIET weekend at home! I can't remember the last time we had a weekend with no plans. I'm looking so forward to it!