Saturday, June 4, 2011


Looks like my "surgery" is scheduled for this coming Friday at 12:30pm. Aunt Cake is coming to watch the wee one, and Paul will be with me at the surgery center.

I went in this morning for blood and an ultrasound (my ovaries have to be surpressed to do the surgery, so they were checking to make sure they were, and they are). It occured to me on the way to the office today that whatever's in my uterus might have factored into my miscarriage last year. I asked the nurse about it after my u/s and she said yes, it's a possibility, but there's no way to know for sure unless the embryo had been tested after my D&C. I don't remember if it had been (she added that they normally are tested), so I might check with the office this week to see what they have to say about it.

If it turns out this was an issue, I have hope that there's a chance we may get pregnant on our own later. This is assuming this frozen cycle doesn't work. I have hope that it will, but I'm trying not to get my hopes too far up. I'm being realistic (some might call it pessimistic) about it, mostly so I don't get my heart broken if/when it doesn't work. I'd love if it did, but I can't expect it to. However, getting this polyp (or whatever it is) out might be the trick to us having another. For that, I have HOPE!

Jackson went to the doctor yesterday for his 18 month appt, and he's now 27.2 lbs. and 33.5 inches long (up 2 pounds and 1.5 inches). He's doing really well and is thankfully healthy, though today he's been fighting a fever (likely a reaction to his vaccine yesterday. It got pretty bad---up to 104.4,. which really flipped me out, but I know it's because of the vaccine and I just have to wait it out. He's acting pretty normal otherwise!

Tomorrow, Nonno comes to help plant the garden in back. YAY! I can't wait for some good, fresh tomatoes!